Gina McKee Wellness - Counseling, Psychotherapy, Holistic Help

Gina McKee

Gina McKee

Soul Prose

Being human isn’t for the fainthearted! We all need something to soothe our souls from time to time. Max Ehrmann’s self-help piece Desiderata provides us with a set of guideposts that can help steady and balance us as we confront the daily challenges of living. It offers a simple positive credo for life. Desiderata – Words for Life Go placidly...
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The Real Story…

It began with my Father’s death in 1994.  That deep loss initiated the end of my life as I knew it and started my awakening from emotional prison. Emotional prisons are filled with broken hearts, despair, loneliness, confusion, anger, anxiety, fear, co-dependency, dysfunctional relationships, addictions, personal pain projections (on innocent bystanders),...
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8 Consequences of Healthy Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the key to success or failure.  It is a major requirement of a fulfilling life and of mental healthiness. How you feel about yourself crucially affects virtually every aspect of your experience.  From the way you function at work, in love or sex, to the way you operate as a parent, to how high in life you are...
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To change or not to change. That is your question.

I remember coming across this poem by Portia Nelson while I was becoming aware that healing is a journey – a journey of individuation. She says it very well. You repeat behaviors that bring about dissatisfaction, frustration, and a loss of self-worth. 5 things to know before you change your life. 1. It starts with self-compassion. Self-compassion...
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Musings on Self-Awareness

Welcome to my website, and my first blog post on Gina McKee Wellness. Sometimes it feels like you were born into the wrong family.  Weird rules like, ‘don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel.‘  You believe you’re different from other kids.  Growing up is hard to do.    Then, slowly but surely it happens. You begin spending...
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