Gina McKee Wellness - Counseling, Psychotherapy, Holistic Help

Universal Laws of Life

Universal Laws of Life

Why Is It That Some People Are More Successful Than Others?
Brian Tracy spent his life discovering the daily habits of successful people that helped them reach their true potential.

He didn’t do it in the halls of academia or from behind the desk of a consultant’s office. He did it as a deckhand and a farm worker, as a construction worker and a factory worker – and the laws of success he learned have made him a millionaire many times over. Some of these laws were written as far back as 2000 BC by the ancient Egyptians, and they’ve been mentioned in literally thousands of books throughout the centuries.


1. Law of Mind. Thoughts objectify themselves. You become what you think about.

2. Law of Mental Equivalency. To achieve success in any area, you must have a clear image of that success in your mind – a mental picture of your idea of success.

3. Law of Correspondence. Your outer life will mirror your inner life. There is a direct correspondence between your experiences and your thoughts and attitudes.

4. Law of Values. What you truly value and believe in is reflected in your actions, even though your words may say otherwise.

5. Law of Motivation. Everything you do is triggered by inner desires, urges and instincts; many are subconscious.

6. Law of Subconscious Activity. Your subconscious mind alerts you to things around you consistent with your dominant desires and concerns.

7. Law of Habit. Virtually all we do is automatic, the result of habit. Habits that move us away from our goals must be changed.

8. Law of Concentration. Whatever you concentrate on and think about repeatedly, becomes more a part of your inner life, and consequently your outer life.

9. Law of Expectations. What you expect with confidence tends to materialize.

10. Law of Choice. You are free to choose what you think about, and therefore free to choose all other parts of your life.

11. Law of Optimism. A positive mental attitude goes with success and happiness. Optimism makes you cheerful and pleasant, and more likely to succeed.

12. Law of Change. All things are changing; nothing is fixed. If you don’t take advantage, you’ll be the victim of change!

13. Law of Responsibility. You are fully responsible for everything you are, everything you have, and everything you become and achieve.

14. Law of Creativity. Every advance begins with an idea in one person’s mind. Whatever a mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

15. Law of Flexibility. Success is best achieved when you are clear about the goal but flexible about how to get there. Inflexibility can lead to missed opportunities.

16. Law of Persistence. Your ability to persist despite setbacks and disappointments affirms your belief in yourself. Persistence is the iron quality of success.

17. Law of Preparation. Perfect performance comes from painstaking preparation. Real pros take more time than others to prepare.

18. Law of Decision. Every great leap forward springs from a clear decision to act. Furthermore, if you act boldly, unseen forces will come to your aid.

19. Law of Belief. Whatever you believe deeply… becomes your reality.


1. Basic Law of Happiness. The quality of your life is determined by how you feel at any given moment. Happiness springs not from events, but how you interpret those events.

2. Law of Integrity. Happiness is a by-product of choosing to live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations.

3. Law of Substitution. Your mind is like a garden – unless you cultivate flowers,weeds will flourish. To keep your mind positive, substitute positive thoughts for negative thoughts.

4. Law of Expression. Whatever you express with conviction triggers thoughts, ideas and actions consistent with those words. Therefore, pick your words carefully.

5. Law of Visualization. Images tend to awaken the emotions that go with them. Picture yourself when you were happy and optimistic, and the feelings will follow.

6. Law of Practice. If you practice feeling cheerful and optimistic, you will form the habit of being cheerful and optimistic.

7. Law of Attention. You pay attention to what you most love and value. Attentive listening builds trust, the foundation of a moving relationship.

8. Law of Self-Esteem. You tend to be happiest with someone who makes you feel good about yourself. In addition, raising the self-esteem of another makes you like yourself more.

9. Law of Indirect Effort. You get more out of relationships indirectly than directly. The fastest way to impress others is not to act impressively, but to be impressed by them.

10. Law of Control. Relationships are happy when there is mutual sense of control. Too much control in one person’s hands, or none at all, leads to unhappiness.

11. Law of Identification. Only by not identifying with your relationship – by detaching and viewing it at arm’s length – can you enjoy it fully and act effectively within it.

12. Law of Reality. Don’t try to change others or expect them to change. Be real and deal with people as they are. Unconditional acceptance of others is the key to happy relationships.


1. Law of Growth. If you’re not growing, you’re stagnating. Change is the only constant in life. Embrace it and grow with it; then you won’t be bowled over by it when it occurs.

2. Law of Practice. Whatever you practice over and over becomes a new habit. Giant-step growth and ultimate fulfillment come from shedding old habits and creating new ones when needed.

3. Law of Accumulation. A great life is an accumulation of thousands of efforts and sacrifices unseen by others. Again, small short-term sacrifices lead to enormous longterm gains.

4. Law of Incremental Improvement. Mastery and excellence come from countless efforts of self-improvement over a long time. Again, time and dedication are the ultimate key.

5. Law of Excellence. Vince Lombardi said it best: “The quality of your life will be determined by your commitment to excellence more than any other factor.”

6. Law of Opportunity. Within every setback or obstacle lie seeds of equal or greater benefits or opportunities. Setbacks can be learning experiences and/or spurs to greater effort.

7. Law of Courage. If you confront the thing you fear, then the death of fear is inevitable. The greatest single obstacle to self-fulfillment are fears combined with ignorance.

8. Law of Giving. You achieve real meaning and purpose when you feel you are serving. And when you give, give of yourself – and give without thought of getting something in return.

9. Law of Optimism. How you think, feel and act stems from how you interpret your experiences. Optimistic interpretations create optimistic attitudes – and optimum achievements.

10. Law of Affirmation. What you say to yourself often enough is accepted by your subconscious as true. Affirmations should be made positively, often, with feeling, and fully visualized.

(sourced from Nightingale-Conant for Brian Tracy)

These laws apply in every time and place, and can be used by anyone to enhance his or her life. Tracy believes that if you learn to live in harmony with these laws, they will work in your favor. In fact, The Universal Laws of Success and Achievement gives you a winner’s guide for playing the game of life.

If you want to make something good happen, find out what action causes it and take that action!

Warm Regards,

Gina McKee

Gina McKee

Gina McKee is a yoga enthusiast, movie buff, and a firm believer in the MindBody connection. Her app, Chai Pro-Insight to go, is available from Amazon, ITunes and Google Play. She also has a private practice in O’Fallon, Il. specializing in counseling women and children of all ages.

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