Gina McKee Wellness - Counseling, Psychotherapy, Holistic Help


Understanding Adolescence

What is ADOLESCENCE anyway? It’s the “teen years” from twelve to twenty – – the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. It’s a time of RAPID CHANGES in: the body emotions attitudes and values intellect relationships with parents and peers freedom and responsibility WHY KNOW MORE ABOUT IT? Because it’s an important, stressful...
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The Gift That Lives

CELEBRATING TEACHERS! This touching tale, created more than 25 years ago in the mind of a writer named Elizabeth Ballard, is about a troubled boy named Teddy Stollard and the teacher who turned his life around. This fictional story, in which there are many versions, illustrates what happens when a person stops judging and starts connecting. It is a positive...
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If You Want to Feel Better, Write a Love Letter!

When we choose to bury our feelings, we act differently. We may not make ourselves available to others and may withdraw, or just not be fully engaged when we do spend time with other people. At other times, we can react inappropriately because our emotions are pulling us in a different direction from where we really want or need to...
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Five Principles of Healthy Parenting

The most important job in any society is raising children. And there is no more important influence on how children develop than their parents. But do you approach parenting with the same focus you would use for a job? Do you act on your gut reactions or just use the same parenting techniques your own parents used, whether they are...
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